Why Should You Get Your Chimney Cleaned?
- A Dirty Chimney Means Danger
- Loss of Heat, Fuel & Money
- Blocked Chimney = Carbon Monoxide!
- Above All: Your Family’s Safety
B&P’s Chimney Cleaning Process
- We us a wire brush from the roof down.
- We vacuum the base of the chimney.
- We clean your smoke pipes.
- We check & reset your damper.
- We check your chimney draft.
Every time you use your Fireplace it can produce all kinds of dirty materials including soot to creosote. Soot is sticky black carbon material and creosote is an oily and flammable tar. Put these two fireplace by products together and they can cause a chimney fire. That’s why anyone who uses their fireplace regularly should have it checked and cleaned at least once a year.

A chimney should be inspected in the fall before the burning season begins. There could be birds or other animals that may have made themselves a home in your chimney, and need to be evicted. Your chimney should also be inspected for and cracks or other damage that may need to be repaired.
To understand how your fireplace and chimney work you need know about the various parts and components. The hearth which is built out of a fireproof material, usually some kind of brick. The firebox is the interior of the fireplace. The flue is the passageway through which the smoke and gases travel outside. Flues are usually made of clay, or stainless steel flues. The chimney surrounds the flue, keeping the fire and heat away from touching any part of the house or building. The smoke chamber connects the fireplace and the flue. At the bottom of the chamber is the smoke shelf which stops downdrafts. Sometimes there is a chimney damper, which is connected to a cable and closes the chimney at the top.
Some fireplaces have a chimney cap to prevent moisture and animals from entering the flue.